New Additions to the Geek Household:

We have so many tomato seedlings* (I planted extra for my partial black thumb, but hey, 100% germination!), plus four more I bought, four cucumbers*, one sunflower*, a bell pepper, a jalepeno*, two avocados*, two strawberries, a new rosemary, oregano, thyme, sage, cilantro, another basil for a total of two, and curled mint, for the edibles.

* refers to plants I started from seed. And hey, these were all seeds that were at least a year old – remember that they’re still good, guys!

New ornamentals are cineraria, mums, maidenhair fern, another type of fern I haven’t ID’d, a gorgeous hosta, hellebores, a yellow and pink orchid, I finally got my aloe I wanted and gave my mom my pup of another type of aloe (vera), a cactus, a weird pink thing that I love, and…My favorite…A string of pearls succulent. YES!

I also bought my mother a beautiful weeping lilac tree for mother’s day, and gave it to her a bit early. She loved it!

Another announcement: I am actually working at the largest plant nursery in my area for the summer! I hope to be learning a lot to share here – I already know a lot more than I used to!

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